Enforcing a Court Imposed Judgment for an Uninsured Motorist

After an accident involving a motor vehicle, a person affected by the accident may file suit against the driver of the vehicle (or owner, if different) in a District or Circuit court. If the lawsuit results in a judgment against the defendant (driver/owner), and if the defendant fails to comply with the court's judgment within 30 days, the person who filed suit (plaintiff), or a representative (e.g., attorney), may contact the MVA's Insurance Compliance Division (ICD) to request that the defendant's driving privileges and vehicle registrations be suspended. This action is taken to encourage the defendant's compliance with the court judgment.

As the plaintiff in a lawsuit, how do I file an unsatisfied judgment with the MVA?

Complete the Certificate of Facts Relat​ive to Judgm​ent and submit it along with a certified (true test) copy of the court's judgment to the MVA's Insurance Compliance Division (ICD).

If I am the defendant in a lawsuit, what will the MVA do in response to the plaintiff's request?

Upon acceptance of a plaintiff's request, the MVA will mail you a Maryland Judgment Suspension Notice that states your driving and vehicle registration privileges will be suspended in 15 business days from the date of the proposed Maryland Judgment Suspension Notice unless you satisfy the court's judgment.

What do I need to do to prevent the suspension from occurring?

First, you need to comply with the terms of the court judgment. Then, you need to obtain and submit one of the following court documents to the MVA's Insurance Compliance Division (ICD):

  1. Or​der of Satisfaction - this is a document issued by the court showing that you complied with the court judgment.
  2. Restoration or clearance letter from another state - this is a letter from the state where the accident occurred showing that you complied with the court judgment.
  3. Court Order Permitting Installments - this is a document issued by the court that authorizes you to make payments to the plaintiff over a period of time.

What happens if I make some court ordered payments to the plaintiff but do not fully comply with the court order?

If you are the defendant and do not fully comply with the court order, the MVA will be notified of your default and your license will be suspended.

Contact Information:

Insurance Compliance Division
6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Burnie, MD 21062

For telephone questions:

MVA Customer Service Center:    1-410-768-7000
TTY/Hearing Impaired:                   1-301-729-4563