Child Passenger Safety


Child Passenger Safety 

Child Passenger Safety Laws

  • Maryland Highway Safety Office Logo Maryland's current law requires that children under eight years old to ride in an appropriate child restraint, unless the child is 4'9" or taller.
  • Every child from 8 to 16 years old who is not secured in a child restraint must be secured in the vehicle's seat belt, in every sitting position in the vehicle..
  • This law is applicable to in-State and out-of-State vehicles.
  • It is the driver's responsibility for making sure all children are correctly buckled up.

Does Maryland Law prohibit children riding in the front seat?

Maryland's child passenger safety laws do not prohibit children from riding in the front seat. The exception is placing a rear-facing child in the front seat with an active air bag.


Marlyand SAFE KIDS Logo      Maryland KISS Logo

Child Booster Seat Evaluations for 2013

Car Seat Recommendations for children up to age 13
