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Ashley Millner, 410-424-3697

MDOT Recognizes Maryland Law Enforcement Officers for Aggressive Driving Prevention Efforts

Accolades Come After Participation in ADAPT Campaign

GLEN BURNIE, MD (September 24, 2019) – The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) today recognized 85 law enforcement officers from across Maryland for their commitment to enforcing the state’s aggressive driving laws. The officers represent 26 state, county and local police agencies, and were nominated for their work with the MDOT Motor Vehicle Administration’s (MDOT MVA) Highway Safety Office’s campaign, Aggressive Drivers Are Public Threats (ADAPT).

“Every fatality and injury that results from aggressive driving is preventable,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Our administration is grateful for the dedication of Maryland's law enforcement officers and supports their efforts to promote safety on our roadways and protect the lives of our citizens.” 

Aggressive driving behavior includes such actions as speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, using the shoulder to pass and running stop signs or red lights. Over the past five years in Maryland, there have been 21,000 crashes involving aggressive drivers. Those crashes have resulted in 175 deaths and more than 12,000 injuries.

Maryland law states that while drivers can be fined for any individual aggressive driving behavior, at least three separate aggressive driving behaviors must be observed to specifically charge a driver with aggressive driving. The penalty for an aggressive driving violation is $370 and five points on the driver’s license.

MDOT MVA’s ADAPT campaign emphasizes aggressive driving prevention through a combination of education and enforcement. This year’s campaign was focused on four 10-day periods, one each in January, March, May and July. Enforcement efforts during the ADAPT waves culminated in more than 16,000 citations issued to drivers for aggressive behaviors behind the wheel.

“Driving aggressively not only endangers your life, but the lives of everyone around you,” said MDOT MVA Administrator Chrissy Nizer, who also serves as Governor Hogan’s Highway Safety Representative. “Leave extra time and adapt your behavior before a tragedy occurs.”