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Ashley Millner, 410-424-3697

Maryland Law Enforcement, Transportation Officials Highlight Impaired Driving Prevention Efforts

US 50 Bay to Beach High Visibility Enforcement Continues Through Labor Day

Stevensville, MD (August 5, 2019) – As part of the US 50 Bay to Beach safety campaign, the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) and law enforcement officials from across the Eastern Shore will take part in an event to encourage drivers to “Be Legendary” by planning for a safe and sober ride home from summertime events and celebrations. The event will serve as a reminder to drivers of the dangers and consequences of impaired driving, and of the high visibility enforcement effort that continues through the end of summer.
Law enforcement representatives will be available for interviews, and there will be opportunities for photos and b-roll video of the Mobile Breath Alcohol Testing truck. The truck is a support vehicle used by officers in testing suspected drunk drivers at DUI checkpoints across the state.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Hemingway’s Restaurant 
357 Pier 1 Road
Stevensville, MD 21666
Parking available on site.
Chrissy Nizer, MDOT MVA Administrator and Governor Larry Hogan’s Highway Safety Representative
Capt. Dan Pickett, Maryland State Police 
Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office
Joe Sikes, father of Alisa Withers, who was killed in a crash involving a drunken driver.
Learn more about the MDOT Maryland Highway Safety Office’s Toward Zero Deaths campaign at, on Facebook at @towardzerodeathsmd, on Twitter at @tzd_maryland, and on Instagram at twdzerodeaths_md.