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Porlan Cunningham, 410-762-5188

MDVA and MDOT MVA Announce Redesigned Disabled Veteran License Plate

Veteran Feedback Led to More Eye-Catching Plate

GLEN BURNIE - The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA), in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA), announced today the release of its redesigned Disabled Veterans license plate.  The new plate adds color and prominently features red, white, and blue stripes with stars to symbolize service to country.  It continues to feature the letters “DV”, to designate the driver as a disabled veteran, however “Disabled Veteran” is now spelled out in red along the bottom of the plate.

The idea for a new plate came after George Durgin, Capt., U.S. Public Health Service and Maryland resident, saw a variety of veteran plates with patriotic designs at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.  Capt. Durgin contacted the MDVA’s Outreach Program and suggested a new plate design.  He provided photos of other state’s plates which served as a baseline for the MDOT MVA’s design of a new Maryland military plate for disabled veterans.  The plate is now available at the MDOT MVA for eligible veterans.

"Our administration is committed to ensuring our military, veterans, and their families are recognized for their service," said Governor Larry Hogan. "The newly designed Disabled Veteran Plate is one more way we can show our gratitude and honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for Maryland and our nation."  

“The collaboration between the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration, and Capt. Durgin, is an outstanding example of how one person can make a difference in the way we serve our veteran community,” said Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary George Owings.  “I look forward to seeing the newly issued Disabled Veteran Plates and to creatively finding new ways to honor Maryland’s veterans.”

“The newly designed Disabled Veterans plate is just another example of MDOT MVA’s commitment to honoring the veterans who courageously served our country. We appreciate Capt. Durgin’s recommendation as we continue to look for additional ways to honor our veterans and deliver premier service to all Maryland residents,” said MDOT MVA Administrator Christine Nizer.

Veterans who are determined to be 100 percent disabled, permanent and total, by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs are eligible to apply for the plate at no cost to the veteran.  For more information, visit the MDOT MVA’s website at

The MDVA is a State Government Executive Department with a service mission to assist veterans, active duty service members, their families and dependents, in securing benefits earned through military service.  Under the Department of Veterans Affairs are five major programs: The Veterans Cemetery and Memorial Program; Charlotte Hall Veterans Home; the Veterans Service and Benefits Program, Outreach and Advocacy Program, and the Maryland Veterans Trust. 

For more information, visit the MDVA’s website at