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Adrienne Diaczok, 410-768-7566

Hogan Administration Recognizes Exceptional Service by Law Enforcement Statewide

More than 140 Officers Recognized for Aggressive Driving Prevention Efforts

Glen Burnie, MD - Today, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) recognized approximately 140 law enforcement officers from across Maryland for their lifesaving commitment to enforcing the State’s aggressive driving laws. The officers represent more than 30 State, county and local police agencies.

“I am deeply grateful for the law enforcement officers throughout Maryland who have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving the residents of our state,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “The work they do each day to ensure Marylanders and visitors can get to and from their destinations safely is truly admirable.”

Aggressive driving behavior includes such actions as speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, using the shoulder to pass, and running stop signs or red lights. Over the past five years in Maryland, there have been 4,256 crashes that involved an aggressive driver, resulting in more than 200 deaths and nearly 2,600 injuries.

“Even one life lost to an aggressive driver is a tragedy, and it is completely preventable. We’re grateful for these men and women who risk their lives each day to make our communities and roads safer,” said Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Pete K. Rahn.

Throughout 2018, the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration’s (MDOT MVA) Highway Safety Office’s Aggressive Drivers Are Public Threats (ADAPT) campaign has sought to prevent aggressive driving through a combination of education and enforcement.

“Motorists should know that driving aggressively is dangerous and not only puts their lives at risk—but also risks the lives of others,” said MDOT MVA Administrator and Governor Hogan’s Highway Safety Representative Christine Nizer, who helped present the awards to the officers. “Leave extra time to get to your destination so that you don’t get a ticket or become involved in a car crash.”

The ADAPT education and enforcement campaign was focused around four 10-day periods in 2018, one each in January, March, May, and July. Throughout those waves, more than 20 million media impressions were made through radio, social/digital media, and outdoor advertising. Enforcement efforts culminated in nearly 115,000 citations issued to drivers for aggressive behaviors behind the wheel.

MDOT reminds motorists to always buckle up and to drive distraction-free. For more information on Maryland’s Toward Zero Deaths campaign, please visit or find us on Facebook at @towardzerodeathsmd, on Twitter at @tzd_maryland, and on Instagram at twdzerodeaths_md.  For the latest MDOT News, follow us on twitter @MDOTNews and #mdotnews.​